You are in the drivers seat. PART ONE.

Ričardas Pakštys
6 min readOct 26, 2018

We are living in the beautiful era where you can make a decision by yourself, unless you got a parents who want to dictate their own rules and want to fulfil their dreams on you, because they never had a chance or they were just too lazy or the circumstances were just wrong. I am glad that I got a chance to make my decision the first second I finished high school.

So it started.. I finished high school with a bit higher than average grades and yes, I did not knew what exactly I want to do with my life, that’s basically the problem 99% of the youngsters who are graduating from High school.

THEY want you to know full circle of your life when at the same time you have to raise your hand to ask teacher if you can go to bathroom, that’s pretty crazy, right?

The main reason why I did not knew what I want to do with my life is because I was playing basketball from 3rd grade and all of the sudden I fell in love with it, and by the time it was my NO.1 priority and need to stay happy, I was basically playing and training to be better at least two times a day, and actually I was doing pretty good for 10 years, but when I was senior in high school something clicked, maybe I was just tired mentally to play and train every single day, I did not felt the same like I felt for last 9–10 years and then I realised that I have to do something, because everyone was doing something, or they pretended..

So my path to today started straight after the Highschool, I decided to skip university for an year and try to take GAP YEAR, which at the time wasn’t really popular to choose, especially in my country. I bought a one way ticket to London and I was like whatever will happen, just happens.I have to give massive props to my amazing sister, because without her, it would be 10x harder to start new chapter of life, she gave me spot on the ground haha, help whenever I needed it and support when I was living in her flat for one month, but after I left her it was really weird honestly for me to live by myself, not to play basketball every day, not to hangout with my friends, but just work the job that I never thought I would. Also it was really weird to live by my own, I was used to have people around you know.

Why I decided to go abroad to work? I don’t know, but at that time I think it was the best choice for me, and it turned around that it was absolutely life changing. I can’t even express in words how much it gave me, because when you come to one of the biggest cities of the world, you have to prove that you are able to sustain in this big world. One of the most important lessons I’ve learned living back then that:

“Nobody really cares how you feel and who are you”

So time went by and everyday for like 2–3 months was different although I was working the same thing, I met new people, I received new lessons from older people. EVERYONE that I’ve worked with was Older than me, so you can imagine how valuable it is for the kid who just came from highschool. I met new friends,learned how to communicate fluently with other people, learned how to sell certain thing. That skill helped me later on in my life A LOT.

I did not had any deadlines, exams, I had my free time which thankfully I used wisely by listening, reading, meeting new people. It is really hard to explain how you feel when you have your own life in your hands, especially for young adults who just coming of the high school, because many of them think that High school is the hardest part of the life, or not even high school, let’s say university, our generation became complainer one, we complain when we have 2 days to study until deadline, but it is your decision, do you understand that?

So as the new beginning as they like to call is coming, you have to decide, what do you really want in upcoming 3–5 years of your life where you have to decide. They are really important, you have to ask yourself: Do I really need this paper/education? Or I want journey, meeting new people, exploring new places. It is absolute clear for everyone but you will never be this young as you are now.

Of course there is two sides for every scenario. For example let’s take the first route which is personally more familiar for me. Travelling, working, getting experience, meeting new people. Everyone likes travelling, right? So do I, so do you and everyone around us. I’ve seen so many pictures in social media with the titles like: “If travelling was free you will never see me” And that honestly makes me laugh, helloooooooo? If you are in Europe travel one way to any country costs up to 50$, NO MORE! So here’s a quick salesman tip: You come to your room. Don’t sit on a couch to watch TV. Look around your room, I’m sure that you’ll see a bunch of stuff that you can SELL. Everyone can EASILY earn at least 100$ and here you go. Second thing, of course travelling is not free and it will never be, but you do the thing that I just said and you can travel as much as you can. Third thing: “BUT HOW CAN I AFFORD TRAVELLING, WHERE AND HOW I WILL WORK?” Quick tip: You can stay at hostels and work for them, help with the furniture and etc for bed and breakfast, problem solved! This is just the one way, another way if you can work online from the laptop things like: affiliate marketing, dropshiping, business development for companies, FB ads, google ads, graphic design and so on, there is so MANY. All you have to do is take some courses, open Youtube, Google and LEARN. That’s it, just learn.

Another side which I personally do not prefer is study at uni, but that’s just me, don’t get offended, I just don’t like school education system, it is made wrong and here’s why: so they want you to “know” everything what you want to do in your life while you are still teenager. 2. Everything is taught between the lines, there’s no room for thinking and creativity, if you don’t play by the rules you are getting bad grades so automatically you are loser, that’s funny, huh? 3. There is no room for people who are into art in high school, because they are considered weird, odd and not in the popular’s group. 4. They want to make everyone equal, that is absolutely impossible because everyone were raised different, and everyone of us have different talents and perspectives on life.

This is just the first part of my tangle of thoughts if you can call it that way, I am not here to stick in my opinion and perspective on things to anybody if someone agrees that’s great if not, that’s even better! To be honest, I know it will sound weird for those who really know me, but writing is one of the most enjoyable things to do for me. It’s like meditation in other form. I will not stop. I love it.



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